San Juan Islands Conservation District
San Juan County, Washington
Story Title
The NRCS Planning Process

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Forest Plans
The Conservation District provides certified USDA-NRCS farm and forest planners to help private landowners meet land management goals.
What is a forest plan?
A Forest Plan helps you the landowners meet your goals and attain a future landscape that you have in mind for you’re forested land. You don’t have to be a commercial operation to benefit! We work with all sizes of forestlands.
How much does a forest plan cost?
San Juan Islands Conservation District services are free without obligation as we are a non-regulatory, non-enforcement subdivision of the State of Washington that administers programs to conserve natural resources.
How do I get a forest plan?
Contact the San Juan Island’s Conservation District. We will schedule a site visit with you on your property. We will listen to you, the landowner so we can find the best way to assist you reach your goal of a vital and improved forest!
How do I carry out a forest plan?
Once the initial draft of a forest plan is developed, you will review suggestions made by the Forest Planner. Together, you and the Forest Planner may make changes to the plan.
Once the plan is finalized, you and the planner will develop an implementation schedule that works for you to accomplish the actions outlined in your forest plan.
What are the benefits?
Forest Plans increase the health of your forest, help protect the natural resources on your property, and can improve water quality downstream. A Forest Plan helps to sustain your forest both environmentally and aesthetically.
Forest Stewardship Plan Factsheet
What are the ten ways the SJICD can help you? Click here!